Friday, November 27, 2009

Is the Medium is the Message...MARK THIS

The medium is the message means that there is a message in the medium itself. For instance, a commercial is a medium. The message is product to sell. When your show stops and a commercial starts it MUST sell a product. If it does not make you wonder "what kind of commercial was that?" The medium is the message...

However, I believe the statement "the medium is the message" was an overstatement by McLuhan, since no one was really thinking in those terms at the time he was a scholar.

He would have to be silly to think content had no impact at all, but all "the medium is the message" means is that the medium used has a direct impact on how content is shaped and received, and before that, all anyone cared about was content.


Social media marketing, if done right, can have a significant impact on brand awareness and popularity. However, many companies fail to utilize this cheap method of marketing. By looking at social media ranks for companies, and comparing it with mainstream media ranks for the same companies we can see which brands are taking advantage of this new medium and also draw conclusions about the effectiveness of social media.

Hoping to become fast friends with their targets, a lot of brands have rushed into Facebook and Twitter in the last 24 months without investing sufficient time or resources. In 2010, savvy marketers will increase their commitment to social media by first listening and then offering up a steady stream of engaging content that their fans actually want. This will be particularly true for B2B brands, only 38% of whom included social media in their 2008 marketing plans (vs. 71% for B2C brands), this is even a quantifiable rationale for brands to up the social media ante in 2010.
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Did you know... MARK THIS

Everyman's McLuhan...

The YouTube video "Did you know" relates to Dr. Sevigny lecture about hot and cool media; "Hot media extend one's senses in a high-definition fashion, that is it paints an explicit sensory picture for us, not obligating us to think or use our imaginations very much," (Sevigny, September 30). "Cool media gives little information, requiring the recipient to fill in the details. This forces us to use imagination, fantasy and to participate in the medium, (Sevigny, September 30).

The clip is considered a cool media source since it presents little information, and the viewer have to imagine the magnitude of the information and fill in the descriptive details. Part of the video states "what used to be fit in buildings is now fitting in your pocket, and what is currently fitting in your pocket can in 25 years be fitted in a blood cell". It takes a person a second to read the statement, however the individual has to fill in the details and bring in an example to validate the statement... and that is when I thought of the first computer built and how it was a room size fitting in a building and now the computer is so small that we can actually fit it in our pocket.

The Divinity Collage class on online media and traditional media further explains that "The hot radio medium used in cool or non-literate cultures has a violent effect, quite unlike its effect, say in England or America, where radio is felt as entertainment. A cool or low-literacy culture cannot accept hot media like movies or radio as entertainment. They are, at least, as radically upsetting for them as the cool TV medium has proved to be for our high literacy world."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Disruptive Langauage/Confusion...MARK THIS

The article Low Marks Keeping Canadian Boys Out of University produced by the National Post, reflects one of the language topics discussed by Dr. Sevigny and that is Disruptive Language/ Confusion.

One can see that a Fact-Opinion Confusion (information seems to be a fact when given by professionals) problem arises from the article; while the article does present factual information, the writer's bias presents an an opinion to the reader that can be taken as a fact, and that is because the opinions are suggested by professionals such as university professors.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Hello Macers

To those of you who are in juniors welcome to club, and to you seniors out there welcome back. Just thought to introduce myself; I am in my 4th year of the Honours Commerce Program pursing my CA designation. I just completed a 16 month internship at Jaguar Land Rover Canada, and I am back to school now finishing my 4th and final year. Hope you all enjoy CMST 1A03
